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2010. november 30., kedd

Szorvanyoktatási továbbképző konferencia 2010 október-november

Beszámoló a Bod Péter Alapítvány által szervezett: Intézményvezetés és oktatás lebonyolítása a dél erdélyi szórványban. A „templom és iskola” megmaradásának perspektívái

Konferenciánk alapvető célja a szórvány életében alapvetően érdekelt intézmények (erdélyiek és magyarországiak): egyházak, alapítványok és oktatási intézmények munkájának összehangolása volt. A rendkívül akut feladatok megoldására közös stratégia kidolgozását szabtuk ki célul. Ebből kiindulva meghívottaink az iskolai oktatás szervezésében, lebonyolításában és a háttérmunkájában résztvevő iskolai és egyházi életben résztvevő aktív szereplők voltak, esetenként kiegészítve azokkal a célszemélyekkel, akiknek oktatási problémákban döntéshozó szerepük van, vagy lehet.
Céljaink elérésének érdekében négy színhelyen szerveztük meg oktatási konferenciasorozatunkat, amelynek továbbképző jelleget adtunk: Balázsfalván, Küküllőváron, Nagyenyeden és Gyulafehérvárott. A négy színhelyen, október-novemberi hónapokban zajlottak le a rendezvények. A színhelyek kiválasztása nem volt véletlenszerű. A legsúlyosabb oktatási helyzetben levő színhelyek kerültek előtérbe, ahol a közösség a magára maradottság érzésével küzd. Minden színhelyen hasonló előadási sémákkal vázoltuk fel a szórványfeladatokat (Csete Örs, Vetési László, Szegedi László), intézményvezetési megoldásokat (Gál László, Szőcs Ildikó, Szabó Hajnal) és szórványstratégiákat (Gudor Botond, helyi lelkészek, tanárok és tanítók, polgármesterek, Király András államtitkár). A négy színhelyen tartott előadásokat a helyi iskolai állapotok és egyházi helyzet részletes leírása-bemutatása egészítette ki, amelynek segítségével diagnózisszerűen vázoltuk fel a mikrorégiók problémáit és megoldási javaslatokat fogalmaztunk meg a politikum, civil és egyházi társadalom irányába. A konferenciázó-továbbképző folyamatok közben is születtek iskolapolitikai megoldások és felmerültek közösen megoldandó egyházi- oktatási tervezetek, valamint konkrét megoldásokra is sor került.
A közös megbeszélések eredményeit összefoglalva megállapítottuk a differenciált szórványgondozás lehetőségeit és a kölcsönhatásban levő magyar társadalmi szervezetek munkájának feltétlen összehangolásának igényét.
A továbblépés szükségességét a magyar családok településenkénti megszólításban látjuk. Ezt csak társadalmi, civil összefogással valósíthatjuk meg.
Ennek szükségszerűsége abban rejlik, hogy dél erdélyi szórványainkban a magyar gyermekek 50-60 % nem a magyar anyanyelvű iskolát választja, míg ez az arány sokkal rosszabb, ha gimnáziumról beszélünk, ahová csak 20 % körüli a magyar oktatást választók aránya.
Jelenlegi demográfiai visszaesésben, az iskoláztatás krízishelyzetében és az egyházak fenntartási küzdelmei közepette a szórványoktatás fenntartása, és az asszimiláció kivédése össznemzeti feladat.
Konferencián partnerei a megye oktatási intézményei, egyházai (református, katolikus, unitárius) és civil intézményei voltak.
Támogatónk a budapesti Szülőföld Alap volt.

2010. július 30., péntek

Pro Oriente Conference held in Gyulafehervar

12 to 17 July 2010 I attended in Alba Iulia a one-week conference, organized by Pro Oriente Foundation from Vienna. Here I presented Peter Bod perception about Romanians religious union with Roman Catholics. I contributed to the conference with the Protestant acknowledgement of the religious union between Romanians.

"Pro Oriente": Kirchenunion von Siebenbürgen weiter im Focus
Tagung befasste sich mit Periode von 1701 bis 1761, in der sich der Widerstand gegen die Union immer stärker formierte - Erster Band des Versöhungsprojektes erscheint im Herbst
Einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung Versöhnung der christlichen Konfessionen im rumänischen Siebenbürgen erhofft die Ökumenische Stiftung "Pro Oriente". In Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität von Alba Iulia (Karlsburg) hielt "Pro Oriente" eine Tagung im Rahmen ihres Forschungsprojekts zur Kirchenunion von Siebenbürgen ab. Die Teilnehmer beschäftigten sich dabei mit den vielfältigen Problemen des Zeitraums von 1701 bis 1761: Eine Periode, in der sich der Widerstand gegen die Union immer stärker formierte, bis es 1761 zur Einsetzung eines eigenen Siebenbürger Bischofs für die Unionsgegner kam, teilte die Stiftung am Dienstag mit.

Der beim Treffen behandelte Zeitraum wird auch den Schwerpunkt eines - bereits zweiten - zweisprachigen (Deutsch/Rumänisch) Buchbandes sein, den "Pro Oriente" in Zusammenarbeit mit den rumänischen Partnern veröffentlichen wird. Er soll im Jahr 2012 erscheinen. Die Beiträge dazu sollen bis Herbst 2011 fertig sein und vor Herausgabe bei einer Tagung im Sommer 2012 in Wien diskutiert werden.

Erster Buchband erscheint im Herbst

Der erste Band entstand als Teil des Forschungsprojekts vor rund drei Jahren. Er erscheint im kommenden Herbst unter dem Titel "Die Union der Rumänischen Siebenbürgens mit der Kirche von Rom von den Anfängen bis 1701" im Bukarester Verlag "Editura Enciclopedica". Der Band behandelt die Aufnahme der Unionsverhandlungen und die Anfänge des Widerstands gegen die Union in insgesamt 21 Aufsätzen.

Der zweite Band werde sich mit dem Selbstverständnis der Anhänger und Gegner der Union unter den Rumänen sowie den für die Union bzw. für die Gegenbewegung wichtigen Personen und Bekennergruppen des 18. Jahrhunderts beschäftigten, teilte "Pro Oriente" mit. Ebenso solle der zweite Teil die auf die Unionsgeschichte von außen einwirkenden Faktoren - wie den Wiener Hof, den Heiligen Stuhl, die Stände Siebenbürgens und die östlichen Hierarchen und Theologen außerhalb Siebenbürgens - behandeln.

Projekt mit "ökumenischer Dimension"

Die Teilnehmer der heurigen Tagung nahmen an Vespern in der orthodoxen Kathedrale und der römisch-katholischen Kathedrale von Alba Iulia teil. Letztere feierte im Vorjahr ihr tausendjähriges Bestehen, hieß es in der Aussendung. Der griechisch-katholische Großerzbischof Lucian Muresan habe die Arbeitsgruppe zu seinem Amtssitz nach Blaj (Blasendorf) eingeladen.

Der rumänisch-orthodoxe Theologe Viorel Ionita, geschäftsführender Generalsekretär der Konferenz Europäischer Kirchen (CEC), unterstrich bei der Veranstaltungseröffnung "die nicht nur wissenschaftlich herausragende Rolle des Projekts, sondern auch dessen ökumenische Dimension", teilte "Pro Oriente" mit.

Projektziel: Überwindung von Spannungen

Gegenstand des seit 2001 laufenden Projekts von "Pro Oriente" sind die Ereignisse rund um die Anfänge und die unmittelbaren Folgen der Kirchenunion von Siebenbürgen sowie deren Entfaltung im Zeitraum von 1697 bis 1761. Im Laufe der Zeit hatte sich in den Siebenbürger Kirchen eine mitunter stark differierende Sicht der historischen Ereignisse herausgebildet, es kam zu zahlreichen Mythenbildungen. Auch bekannte historische Fakten wurden von den Konfessionen oft nur einseitig wahrgenommen.

Dies hatte zur Folge, dass sich Geschichtsdarstellungen der Union an der Wende des 17. zum 18. Jahrhundert mitunter stark unterschieden oder sogar widersprachen.

Ziel des Projekts sei, zur Überwindung der unter den beteiligten Kirchen bis heute spürbaren starken Spannungen und damit zur Versöhnung beizutragen, so die Stiftung. Die Wiederzulassung der von den Kommunisten verbotenen unierten Kirche nach 1989 hatte zu neuen massiven Auseinandersetzungen mit der orthodoxen Kirche Rumäniens geführt. Gegenstand dieser Konflikte waren und sind zumeist Gotteshäuser und sonstige Immobilien.

Die Arbeitsgruppe besteht aus mehr als 20 Theologen und (Kirchen-)Historikern aus fünf Konfessionen Siebenbürgens - rumänisch-orthodox, römisch-katholisch, griechisch-katholisch, evangelisch-lutherisch und reformiert - aus den Universitäten Cluj, Sibiu, Alba Iulia, Oradea, Blaj und Bukarest sowie aus Österreich und den USA.

Dieser "interkonfessionelle, interdisziplinäre und internationale Charakter" sei ein konstitutives Element des Projektes, hob die Stiftung hervor.

2010. június 28., hétfő

Previous program of the religios tolerance in Transylvania

BOD PÉTER Alapítvány Gyulafehérvár

Nemzetközi konferencia – International conference
Az Erdélyi Önálló Fejedelemség felekezeti toleranciagondolatának kialakulása és jelentősége a XVI-XVIII. században. A politikai rendszer és felekezeti önmeghatározás (identitás).

Genesis and signification of the idea of religious tolerance in the Principality of Transylvania (XVIth-XVIIIth century). Political system and confessional identities


8-9 JULY 2010

 International Conference

Az Erdélyi Önálló Fejedelemség felekezeti toleranciagondolatának kialakulása és jelentősége a XVI-XVIII. században. A politikai rendszer és felekezeti önmeghatározás (identitás).

Genesis and signification of the idea of religious tolerance in the Principality of Transylvania (XVIth-XVIIIth century). Political system and confessional identities

2.nd edition

8-9 JULY 2010


ICCO & Kerk in Aktie, Mission Department – Utrecht, Niederland

-Program of the conference – A konferencia programja

7 July
800-1800: Registration (érkezés, regisztráció)

1900: Evening meal (vacsora)

8 july
830-930: Breakfast (reggeli)

1000-1030: The University Senate Room (Apor Palota)
Opening- Konferencia megnyítása
1030-1145: First section lectures - Előadások

1200-1315: Muzeul Naţional al Unirii- Nemzeti Múzeum
Exhibition kiállítás: From post Byzantine to European baroque – A poszt bizantinizmustól au európai barokkig
Speech - megnyítja: Marius Porumb member of Romania Academy, akadémikus

1330-1500: Dinner- in Restaurant of the University- Ebéd az Egyetem Vendéglőjében

1530-1700: First section lectures - előadások
1700-1715: Coffee break - kávészünet
1715-1845: Lectures - Előadások

1900: Evening lunch in the Restaurant of the University- vacsora az
Egyetem Vendéglőjében
9 july
830-930: Breakfast- reggeli

945-1115: Second section lectures- Előadások
1115-1130: Coffee- break
1130-1330: Lectures

1330-1500: Dinner- in Restaurant of the University- Ebéd az Egyetem Vendéglőjében

1530-1700: Lectures - Előadások
1700-1730: Conclusions – Conference closure, Következtetések, konferencia bezárása

1800: The visit of the Vauban fortress
Special reception and lunch in Pub 13 Restaurant- Vauban Fortress

 Ist Section.

Genesis and signification of the idea of religious tolerance in the Principality
 Az Erdélyi Önálló Fejedelemség felekezeti toleranciagondolatának kialakulása

Moderator-moderátor: Henk van den Belt

Henk van den Belt (Amsterdam, VU),
How tolerant was John Calvin? Calvin’s Developing View of the Religious Task of the Civil Government
Pásztori-Kupán István (Kolozsvár - Cluj-Napoca, PTI),
A secular law on interfaith tolerance based on the Bible: a sixteenth-century Transylvanian peculiarity
Kovács Sándor (Kolozsvár-Cluj-Napoca, PTI),
Edictul de Toleranţă şi Biserica Unitariană din Transilvania

Moderator-moderátor: Jan-Andrea Bernhard

Jan-Andrea Bernhard (Castrisch/Zürich, Zürich University),
Mähren und der Nonkonformismus. Die Toleranzfrage – eine religiöse oder eine politische Frage?
Fopkje van de Beek (Amsterdam/Cluj-Kolozsvár, VU-PTI),
The tolerance debate in the Netherlands in the 16th and first part of the 17th century: Catholicism and Protestant diversity
Peter Šoltés (Bratislava-Pozsony, Comenius University ),
Konfessionelle Pluralität im nordöstlichen Ungarn vor dem Toleranzpatent

Moderator-moderátor: Gudor Botond

Gudor Botond (Alba Iulia-Gyulafehérvár, UAB),
Problema genezei toleranţei religioase în Europa secolelor XVI-XVIII şi Geneva. Două cazuri voltairiene celebre: cazul Servet din Geneva şi cazul lui Jean Calas din Toulon
Jan Nicolae (Alba Iulia-Gyulafehérvár, UAB),
De dignitate memoriae. Gottfried Schwarz (1707-1788): istoric, predicator şi teolog savant german din secolul XVIII
Cristian Barta (Blaj-Balázsfalva, UBB),
Conceptul de toleranţă religioasă şi metodologia Unirii în viziunea episcopului Grigorie Maior

 IInd Section.

The political system and the confessional identities in Transylvania A politikai rendszer és felekezeti önmeghatározás (identitás) Erdélyben

Moderator moderátor: Edit Szegedi

Molnár B. Lehel (Cluj-Napoca-Kolozsvár, Archive of the Unitarian Church),
Note asupra formării unitarianismului în Transilvania şi problema toleranţei religioase
Edit Szegedi (Cluj-Napoca-Kolozsvár, UBB),
Cât de tolerant putea fi un oraş liber regal în Principatul Transilvaniei?
Ciprian Rad (Cluj-Napoca-Kolozsvár, UBB),
Politica confesională a principilor Gabriel Bethlen şi Gheorghe Rákóczi I

Moderator-moderátor: Ernst Christoph Suttner

Ernst Christoph Suttner (Viena-Bécs, University Wienn),
Toleranzregeln zum Schutz bestimmter Glaubens-gemeinschaften, doch nur beschränkte Religionsfreiheit im frühneuzeitlichen Siebenbürgen
Attila Verók (Eger, Eszterházy Károly Főiskola),
„Tolerante” Lesestoffe in den sächsischen und ungarischen Bücherverzeichnissen bzw. Bibliotheken Siebenbürgens (16.-18. Jh.)
Hegyi Ádám (Szeged, Szegedi Tudományegyetem),
Die Lesestoffe der Siebenbürgischen Studenten und die konfessionelle Toleranz im 18. Jh. Die Wirkung der Universität Basel auf die siebenbürgische Kultur
Alexandra Alina Losonti (Cluj-Napoca-Kolozsvár, UBB),
Funcţia socială şi culturală a cărţilor religioase tipărite în limba română în cadrul schimbărilor ecleziastice din Transilvania secolelor XVI- XVIII

Moderator-moderátor: Daniel Dumitran

Greta-Monica Miron (Cluj-Napoca-Kolozsvár, UBB),
Antagonism şi toleranţă confesională în satele româneşti transilvănene în timpul mişcării lui Sofronie

Iusztin Zoltán (Cluj-Napoca-Kolozsvár, UBB),
Relaţiile Bisericii Unite cu ortodocşi din Transilvania, în secolul al XVIII-lea
Daniel Dumitran (Alba Iulia- Gyulafehérvár, UAB),
Titlu rezervat

Conference about Transylvanian religious Tolerance

The Department of History from the Faculty of History and Philology of „1 Decembrie 1918” University Alba Iulia and „Iuliu Maniu” Political and Historical Research Centre organizes the international symposium Genesis and signification of the idea of religious tolerance in the Principality of Transylvania (XVIth-XVIIIth century). Political system and confessional identities  during 8th – 10th July 2010. The discussed issues will focus on the specific character of the idea of tolerance, illustrated by the case of Transylvania’s Principality, and on the other side, European dimensions of the debate with regard to this concept.
Knowing your preoccupations in researching the subject, we are honoured to address you the invitation to participate in our manifestation with a paper proper to the proposed theme. If the answer is positive, please be kind and sent us the title and an abstract of your paper (cca. 150 words), no later than the 12th of June 2010.
We inform you that the official languages of the symposium will be Romanian, German and English.
Organizers will bear expenses of accommodation and meals.

A Gyulafehérvári Tudományegyetem, Történettudományi és Filológiai Fakultásának – Történettudományi Tanszéke és „Iuliu Maniu” Történelmi és Politológiai Kutatóintézet 2010 július 8-10 között, nemzetközi konferenciát szervez a következő témában: Az Erdélyi Önálló Fejedelemség felekezeti toleranciagondolatának kialakulása és jelentősége a XVI-XVIII. században. A politikai rendszer és felekezeti önmeghatározás (identitás). A konferencia megbeszélésének tárgyát képezi a felekezeti türelem (tolerancia) jellegzetessége az Erdélyi Önálló Fejedelemség életében, valamint a tolerancia eszmének európai vonzataira és vitájára szeretnénk hangsúlyt fektetni.
Ismerve az Ön tudományos tevékenységét és érdeklődését a téma iránt, megtisztelve éreznénk magunkat, ha részt venne konferenciánkon, egy a témához illő tudományos előadással. Meghívásunk elfogadása esetén, tisztelettel kérjük, hogy 2010 június 12-ig, küldje el előzetesen előadásának pontos címét, és rövid rezüméjét (körülbelül 150 szó terjedelemben).
Jelezzük, hogy konferenciánk előadásainak nyelve román, német és angol.
A szállás és étkezési költségeket a szervezők biztosítják. 

The conference proposes to investigate the significations and the impact of the tolerance policy in Transylvania during the emperor Joseph II, besides investigating the origin and evolution of the idea of tolerance, during the XVIth-XVIIIth centuries. Its authors considered the theme to be of present interest, from the point of dwelling on with it in the recent European historiography, as well as from that of nowadays debates, on religious and confessional issue.
Historiographically, such investigation would take part in the researching of the subject at European level, by rendering valuable the exemplary situation of Transylvania: a territory characterized by ethnic, confessional and cultural diversity, in which there had been set up a climate of religious tolerance, in a period (XVIth century) of almost dominant intolerance on the European continent. The research is imagined as an approach of the religious tolerance history from the perspective of the tension between the state control promoted by the central power and provincial reality of a confessional and cultural diversity, which was wished to be preserved.
For this purpose there will be followed in the first stage of the project, the constitution and evolution of the Transylvanian confessional system (till 1780), referring to the issue of tolerance and intolerance, to the reports between the accepted denominations and the religion designated as tolerated. In the second stage, there will be analyzed the confessional policy of the Viennese Court, concerning the significations and implications of the statist system, during Marie Therese and Joseph II (till the issuing of the Tolerance Edict); there also had been approached the immediate reactions towards the new tolerance concept characteristic to the Josephine decree. In the last stage, the consequences of the tolerance policy will be followed, with references to the significations of the ulterior decrees of the Edict and its local impact among the believers.

2010. február 5., péntek

Peregrinatio academica

The volume that we present today to the public interested in history is the natural result of the Conference with international participation entitled: Schimbarea de paradigmă din istoria ecleziastică şi cea laică în Transilvania secolului al XVIII-lea (Paradigm Change in the Ecclesiastical and Laic History of Transylvania in the 18th Century), the first edition, 2009, Alba Iulia. The Conference was organised by ˝1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia – The Department of History and ˝Iuliu Maniu” Centre for Historical and Politological Research of Alba Iulia. The manifestation enjoyed the collaboration with the Union National Museum of Alba Iulia. The Conference financing was ensured by a project mastered by the National Authority for Scientific Research – Bucharest having the support of ˝1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia and Bod Péter Foundation, Alba Iulia (through Szülőföld Alap-Budapest).

The Conference enjoyed the presence of participants from Alba Iulia, Cluj-Napoca, Budapest, Zürich, Szeged and Eger. They represented distinguished universities and research centres in the country and abroad: ˝1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, University of Zürich, Károli Gáspár University of the Hungarian Reformed Church - Budapest, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, University of Szeged, Eszterházy Károly University of Eger, ˝Iuliu Maniu” Centre for Historical and Politological Research, Alba Iulia, the Union National Museum, Alba Iulia, and ˝George Bariţiu” Institute of History of the Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca. The Conference lectures and the scientific works of this volume tackle three significant elements of the historiographical paradigm change of Transylvania in the 18th century: I) Convergences, Divergences and Continuity of Historical Writing; II) Training Centres and the Historiographical Paradigm Change in Transylvania: From Centre to Periphery. European Dimensions; III) Confessional Tolerance and Intolerance as Historiographical Paradigm.

The change of the Transylvanian historiography was – just as the political change manifested itself because of the setting up of the Habsburg domination in the autonomous Principality – a natural result of the pervasion of Enlightenment in this part of Europe. The historiographical paradigm change in Transylvania in the 18th century followed the social and political modernity (reform) for the carrying out of the desideratum of historiographical modernity. In the beginning of the 18th century, the convulsive movements carried out in order to integrate the Transylvanian Autonomous Principality within the Habsburg Empire drew upon itself the historiographical crisis. The historical writing introverted itself as defence and conservation measure for the old humanist values inherited especially from the historiography of the Transylvanian Reform. It was for the first time that the Transylvanian conscience crisis seen as reaction to political change became visible, especially in Count Miklós Bethlen’s (1642 – 1716) Autobiography. The melancholy of the past times called up again the attention of the readers fond of history and nobiliary manners having the support of the description of the social and political metamorphosis of Principality in Metamorphosis Transilvaniae written by baron Péter Apor (16761752). The solution chosen by the Protestant Transylvanian historiography in defensive and tributary to the idea of conservation was the retreat – the escapism. This was the attitude expressed by nobleman Mihály Cserei (1667-1756), the author of the work The History of Transylvania until 1711. He effectively left his domain and therefore estranged himself from the historical writing. The nobility seemed resigned through a manifestation of expectation for better life and passivity. This behaviour was made official through the words expressed by historian and provincial secretary István Halmágyi (1719–1785): ˝I am sitting on the bottom of a steamer and listen from down there the above waves” - these words pervaded the effects of the absolutist and authoritative policy that called for order and change. The wave of the political change between East and West led to restatements and the redefining of the Orthodox, Greek Catholic, Roman Catholic and, implicitly, Protestant identities that generated the premises of the development and historiographical paradigm change. In historiography (Péter Apor, Péter Bod, György Rettegi’s Memories, Martin Schmeizel) therefore emerged the prototype of the new, integrated noble (homo novus) who submitted himself to new requirements and was partisan of the new barocque fashion (neue Mode). His cultural value, significance and administrative utility were given by the studies abroad (academic pilgrimage, peregrinatio academica) at the Universities of Vienna, Rome, Trnava (Nagyszombat), Leiden, Basel or German Principalities. The culture promoted by this new enlightened spirit raised for discussion the key concepts of the national development, such as: school, administrative reform, and nation, structural ideas for the development of a social, political and religious reform at imperial level. Paradoxically or not, those who promoted the historiographical paradigm change in Transylvania belonged to the nobility and Protestant clergy. The confessional side promoted a direct or indirect (in a low tone) debate between the Counter-Reformation – Catholic Reform and Protestantism throughout the 18th century. The historiographical paradigm change therefore followed the evolution of the society from baroque to Pre-Enlightenment, and, then, Enlightenment. Within the debate upon the ecclesiastical history, the moment of the religious Union of the Orthodox Romanians with the Church of Rome is very important (Gherontie Cotore) and had significant echoes in the Protestant historiography (Bod, Historia valachorum). Historiographical paradigms emerged with a view to modernising the historical writing and carrying out a real paradigm change. By virtue of the use of history for the administrative Reform of the Empire, the programmes - be them Catholic or Protestant – detached themselves from the confessional side of debate with difficulty. Two fundamental concepts for historiography therefore emerged: the need to ensure the access to archives (Leopold Kollonich, Einrichtungswerk des Königreichs Hungarn, 1689) and the usefulness of the development of an analytical, interrogative method for the material at the disposal (Gábor Hevenesi, Modus materiae conquirendae, pro annalibus ecclesiasticis regni Hungariae, 1694). They were considered real ˝tools” for social Reform achievement and generated the renovation of the historiographical attitude through historia critica – this idea was promoted by Bishop Jacques- Bénigne Bossuet (1627-1704). Protestant historiography followed the Prussian patterns and rallied the utilitarian requirement promoted within society. The traditional flacianism promoted by the Protestant historiography of the Principality adjusted itself to the new political situation and coloured the Jesuit typology of the historical research through the historiography of the state knowledge (Staatenkunde –through Matthias Bél, Ferenc Fóris Otrokocsi, Péter Bod, József Benkő) or the model rendered by Johann Lorenz von Mosheim (1693-1755). The immense effort needed in order to spin the various information and specialization of the historical branches inherently led to the necessity of the idea of associative research in history through Academies and Associations (János Csere Apáczai, Péter Bod). Transylvanian Enlightenment gave birth to new attitudes and historiographical conceptions. The striving for origin research became almost obsessive for this ethnically heterogeneous region. The historians’ intention was to define the national identity and alterity through the social and political argumentation of the idea of a nation (natio). Nevertheless, alterity involved a compromise, historiographical acceptance and confrontation in the spirit of real social and political militantism. The historian of this world that was changed had success only if he was also endowed with the intellectual qualities of the century also reflected in the historical writing: erudition and piety became qualitative attributes for the historiographical debate. The philosophical and theological trends played a major role for the historical personalities’ spiritual modelling. Mention should be made about coccejanism, cartezianism, iozefinism, wolfianism, jansenism and febronianism. They brought an essential contribution to the formation of the spiritual portraits of historiography in the 18th century. The essential concepts of the structuring of a modern and coherent historical discourse emerged under the influence of the spiritual ideologies that had been accepted and adapted during the study time spent abroad: curiosities (Curiositas), confessional tolerance (Mutua tolerantia), irenicism, critical objectivity etc. The humanist descriptive simplicity of princes’ lives through the new method and concept accumulation evolved through a real paradigm change about the complex historical descriptions under the influence of both the knowledge of state historiography and the Jesuit method of interrogation about the past. The purpose of historiography becomes a real raison d’état. Historiography of the 18th century started to excel through a political and social argumentative discourse and detached itself from purely confessional causalities. The laicization of historical writing in the century of Enlightenment manifested increased interest for love and the individual’s relation with society, and became a useful element for the Reform of society. The historiographical utilitarianism became the new paradigm of the 18th century. The paradigm change also manifested through the diversification of the relations between the laic and ecclesiastical historiography. The ecclesiastical historiography wanted to expand the borders of Respublica Christiana towards the boundaries of a new and tolerant Respublica Litteraria. Historical sciences started to specialise themselves throughout their evolution (hence, new fields of activity emerged: auxiliary sciences, literary, ecclesiastical and laic history, cartography, arhondology etc.) Although it did not generate enormous historiographical impiety in Principality, atheism, naturalism and deism renascence in Western Europe became perceptible signs of detachment from the exclusively providential explanation of history. The Transylvanian historiography felt that it was its duty to lead the society from religious community to national identity without the denying of the confessional side. On the contrary, the Transylvanian religiosity was placed in the middle of the fight against the impiety of the century. The Light, the Reason, pervaded the history of Principality through Faith. The historiograhical paradigm change in Transylvania became a reality in the 18th century owing to this structural change of the historiographical writing.

The organisers want to thank all those who financially got involved in the organisation of the Conference under optimal circumstances and the volume publishing

Botond Gudor

2010. február 2., kedd

Péter Bod Foundation

Peter Bod

What is new in Transylvanian historiography concerning with 18th century? Maybe the historical activity of the reformed reverend from Ighiu- Magyarigen Peter Bod (1712-1769) whose monography was published in 2008 in Cluj- Kolozsvar, under supervision of the Mega publisher.

Mission church activities 2009

Dear friends. I am very implied in the church work and in the same time in the University life, where I have some activity in Research Department of the Alba Iulia University. I work on the grant about Transylvanian idea of tolerance, Reformation, and history of historiography. I try to attend in some conference about church history, especially about XVII-XVIIIth centuries.

The church life in the winter months is more silent then usual. A large part of the believers are old, what, making it difficult to move, and in few of theme are very lonely people. However, winter is busy now, because we try to finish some works on the new pharmacy building in Sard, and on the floor replacement in Zlatna’s church. But we preparing ourselves for the spring’s biggest efforts.

Christmas was wonderful. Magyarigen we celebrated together with many guests and with the Catholics believers from Igen (this is a great mission possibilities). In Zalatna’s church the girls sang and recited after the church service. We have begun in January the visitation of the families. The past year has not passed without many work and implementations around of the congregations. As you know, my region is mission field of the Hung. Presbyterian church, so I it is a large possibility of the church work.

In Magyarigen (Ighiu):

In my congregations the Presbyterian theologians from Agoston Sandor Foundation, Budapest and many other students were busy in the church renovation work, but us well in the church services. My congregation, Magyarigen provide to them, free accommodation and the students done a lot of work around the churches. Fortunately, the church watery mushrooms do not recur; therefore, we are very pleased. In our summer work was a great help that agricultural equipment what was donated from Nurnberg Presb. Church (Through elder Mr Tibor Salanky). The trailer was really useful in the transport, which would have been very expensive with the official transport. Whit those equipment we help us well the Romanian orthodox peoples, not only for our church members. Unfortunately, the central heating boiler broke up, and also the automated bell became wrong, what gave us a serious financial test before Christmas. This was necessary to replace because the large, thick walls, what keep the pastoral office rather cold in the winter.

Last spring, the EU has started a program (2.5) around the architectural monument restorations. We try to prepare on evaluation plan of the church monument from Magyarigen. At least five companies (engineering, economics) worked on the plan, partly free and partly supported by our local church and Reformed Bishopric from Cluj. A lot of deficiencies observed in the Alba EU Implementation Center around of the project, and in my opinion he did say a lot of obstacles in the front of implementation of this. It looks like the first level has been exceeded, the second processing level, unfortunately means the possibilities to be only on the waiting list…. …. Maybe it will be something ....God knows. I put in this a lot of work, energy and money; will be wonderful if I will succeed.

Unfortunately, two trials make our lives hard. One is brought against the Church, under the pretext of expropriation. Great anxieties, the topographer is corrupt, and he identified the neighboring, where land and houses were in the ancient Church and cemetery proprieties plots. There resides the elder of our church, de 70th years old, Sándor Tollas, who now have every opportunity to obtain a deliberation from the trial in wrong way. The other litigation is about an unauthorized transcription due to a neighboring family, in their propriety from the old Church sites. Both of the causes are very expensive, and we are stress wit them.

In Boroskrakko (Cricau):

We have three believers, among the most loyal, Magda Tibori is very sick now. I took home the Worship of God, Lord's Supper, and I also spent a couple of hours with her in Christmas. It is difficult to be old, but even harder to be alone (or just with the reverend) in the Lord's Supper. Krakkó church tiles, shingles, here and there, shows weakness, so we must start in 2010 new renovation. It is 800 years old church!!!! Krakow, most of the problems are around the land. From the former Teleki propriety, Church was compensating with 3 ha land, because of the former nationalization into the communist time. This former grapes yard is completely extinct, so we try to find something to start there. A new implantation means very high cost and effort. We try to remove the concrete pillars to permit agriculture. Fortunately, there is inside parcel. The church arable land was still through communist collectivization, and was distributed to house parcels. I hope we will receive compensation (when I do not know). On the remaining 1.5 ha I order a topographical survey maybe that is returned to us. Instead of it, Mayor Office gave this to the County Council; the county is donated to others. We try to start a legal process to recover the propriety… but the truth is not always measured for us.

In Sard (Sard):

2009 was year of the Sárd community. With the support of the Agoston Sandor Foundation, and the theologians, we succeeded, after three years of work to renovate 600 years old church building interior. We renovate a completely ruined and collapsed church, for the glory of the Lord. A moment for the congregation what became memorable. Without the financial support we have no chance to done it. I am very grateful for this to all the contributors. The exterior of the old church is in ruin, but the church inside is in the old glory shine. The work was carried out at discounted prices by the Janos Szekely, whose embraced the church objectives, and was an enthusiastic worker. After the church restoration we have two big events. We celebrated 20 of August, one of our national Holiday, in companion of the 400 peoples, coming from abroad. Shortly after this we celebrated the confirmation in faith of the two young people. Was a remarkable event because into the last 30 years in the church was not same events. The renovated church and the youth confirmation make a memorable year 2009. We have only 13 members in Sard.

In the autumn-winter 2009 (until now) in Sard we continue to work around to the health center. The continuation of the work with the gas and electricity was prevented by the very long administrative barrier. For this reason the work became difficult for a long time. Not only the time, but the cost was a really impediment in implementation. The cost incurred by either the gas or electricity was more than EUR 2000. In addition, the Electricity Provider Office, (!!!!!) still do not made the contract, because is dropped down their computer program. The financial support for this building was donated by the Swift Creek Presbyterian Church, whose contribution permitted us, to realize an important part of the project through Bod Peter Foundation. With their support we started the construction of partition walls, and the internal solution of the electricity, and not the list, we started plastering and ceiling. Until now we has been ready with the introduction of electricity on the internal wall, we dividing walls with the intermediate parts, ceiling and the first rooms has plasters. Because of the outside temperature (often we have minus 20) and sickness of Janos Szekely we move slowly forward, just step by step. I hope the speed of the work flow will be increasing, more so because some of the fees were paid already, for others we have no founds. I hope in few months we succeeded to finish electrical, gas supply, pastures, walls and if we have financial possibilities we continue with tiles, ceramics, water adduction, pipes and effluent water and heating system.

In Zalatna (Zlatna):

Together with the help of the theologians from the Agoston Sandor Foundation, Budapest we organized the summer missionary work camp. This meant work both in the Zalatna church renovation and in Sard, and church services in the all of congregations (we invite youngsters from the Alba and the will ages around us). We had to break cement thicker than 20 cm (this is absorbed and leading to the wall ground water).. After breaking the concrete/cement, we put sand and gravel into what we placed brick. Whit this we improved drainage of the church, but this is more aesthetic as well. Parallel to this we repair the failed ceiling.

Janos Cimbalmos the elder of the church in autumns renovated the parish house. In Christmas we kept the worship of God in the clean and freshly painted rooms.

In 2010, we wish to continue to work in Sard, Magyarigen and Zalatna. More important is the pharmacy building of the Medical Center from Sard.

Before Christmas the poorer families from Ighiu, Sard, Zlatna and Cricau Communities received the very consistent food packet, with the help of the “ De Bron Hervormde Kerk” from Zeist, through Alba Iulia Reformed Church. We are very thankfull for that.